
Fratellanza - Brotherhood (2009)

Lars è un ragazzo ventiduenne che si trova rifiutata la sua domanda a tenente nell'esercito danese perché accusato di aver tentato degli approcci con alcuni commilitoni anche se fuori dalla caserma. Il giovane attraversa un periodo di crisi, ha forti contrasti con i genitori, e, quasi per caso, si trova ad avere a che fare con un gruppo neonazista.

Lars (Thure Lindhardt) decides to leave the army after accusations of having made passes at some of his men prevent his promotion to a higher rank. Disillusioned with the army and angry at his overbearing politician mother, he joins a Neo-Nazi group, discovering only later that they practice gay-bashing. He and his violently homophobic peer Jimmy (David Dencik) become involved in a secret love affair, moving from hostility through grudging admiration to friendship and finally tenderness and passion.


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